I wrote a book! But I wrote it in code! Emoji Codes! Click here or on the picture below to see the book on Amazon.

My kids love riddles, puzzles, and brain games. Sometimes I make up worksheets for them with some puzzles to solve, and they love it. One day, I thought it’d be fun to “write” some phrases using only emojis for them to figure out. They loved it and I made more. They even started coming up with their own. My teen daughters got in on it and helped me come up with some and tested them for me before I gave them to the boys to solve.
One day, I had printed them all out to give to the kids to solve and my 24 year old daughter came by after work. She was intrigued and stood in my office for about 15-20 minutes and solved them all! (She’s really good at riddles.) She told me they were fun and she knew some of the people she worked with would love them as well and asked me to send her a copy to share with them.
It evolved from there and before long, I had enough to fill a book. So, just for fun, I decided to make it a book and put it on Amazon. I found that even though I made these for my boys who were 10 and 11, my teens, and my adult daughter enjoyed them as well. I’ve had feedback from others and all ages seem to enjoy solving these Emoji riddles. Some are definitely made with kids in mind, but most are ones anyone can get. Other than announcing the book to people I know- on Facebook, Instagram, I’ve done no advertising for it and I’m getting sales on Amazon. I am happy to know that others are enjoying this little project I created with my kids. We’re already working on a second one now!